Monday, August 4, 2008

Lunch Breaks and Shifts

Hello everyone!

Each of you in Entrepreneurship I will need to occasionally work lunch (12-1) or a 15 minute shift (3-3:15 or 5:15-5:30).

However, because there are so many of you, this will happen infrequently. Remember, it is imperative that you check the break shift schedule behind the counter. Your attendance starts at the beginning of the break.

Missing any break will count as one of your absences. If you are unable to work it, please arrange to swap days with a coworker and let me know beforehand.

If you ask a friend to switch with you, you *must* work their next shift of the same time length.

Now for the good news...on days you are required to work a shift, that time will count as classroom time. In other words, if it is your day to work lunch, you can leave an hour early or come in an hour late. This must be done from your Jittery Joe's seat time only if you are taking more than one class with me.

Muchas Gracias!
Mrs. S.

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