Monday, August 4, 2008


During the course, you will receive two evaluations, the first at the end of the first 9 weeks, and the second at the end of the semester.

I am posting a blank evaluation so you can see the categories I will be observing.

Student Name:

4-Excellent 3-Above Average 2-Average 1-Needs Improvement


Reports on time
Respects cultural diversity
Arranges absences in advance
Discreet (as to being too talkative)
Demonstrates self-control

Human Relations

Demonstrates courtesy and friendliness
Deals tactfully with others
Communicates clearly
Cooperates with co-workers

Job Skills

Meets appropriate job requirements
Follows directions
Budgets time carefully
Completes tasks accurately
Requires minimal supervision
Organizes work neatly

Attitude toward Work

Looks for ways to improve
Demonstrates initiative
Is inquisitive about the job
Shows enthusiasm for work
Accepts constructive criticism
Feels even routine jobs are important

Comments: This is where I will include any additional information about your performance.

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