Monday, August 4, 2008

Welcome to Class!

Hello and welcome to your Entrepreneurship class! During this class, you will run a full-scale Jittery Joe's in Classic City High School. While doing so, we will learn about customer service, counting registers, health code compliance, and the risk and rewards of being a business owner.

During this class, you will do three total projects. These projects, as outlined on your syllabus, will make up 35 percent of your final grade. Answering your weekly blog question will count for 15 percent of your final grade. The other 50 percent will be: 25 percent for completing daily tasks at the coffee shop and two employee evaluations worth 12.5 percent each.

I am always more than glad to give you both paper and emailed copies of any materials needed, including your projects, rubrics and your syllabus. I require an email address for each of you to be made in the following manner: This will help me email all of you efficiently. For example,

Any work that you turn in during the semester will be emailed to This email address is reserved only for receiving and grading projects and will automatically save everything you send, in case something is ever lost. Paper copies are not accepted for this reason.

Your projects are also posted here so you can begin working. I suggest completing your projects early in the semester, as waiting until the last minute may cause you to lose points.

Good luck, and I look forward to a great semester with all of you!

Mrs. Scredon

Project 1

Your first project is customer service related. Since a large part of working in customer service is attitude and presentation, you will determine how well one of your own favorite places stacks up.

This project should take you approximately 2-3 days to complete. When you are ready to begin, download the requirements and rubric from the "important documents" link on the lefthand side of this blog.

Project 2

Your second post discusses our profit, or lack thereof. This project will help you understand income versus expenses and what happens when we throw away or give away our product. You may be surprised to learn how much money we take in must go towards paying other expenses.

This project will take you approximately 2-3 days to complete. When you are ready for the requirements, download the requirements and rubric from the "important documents" section of this blog.

Project 3

Your third project will help you get acquainted with a small business owner in your community. You will gain understanding of how the different topics we have discussed are implemented when someone opens their own business.

This project will take you approximately one to one and a half weeks to complete.

When you are ready to begin, click the important documents link and view your criteria and rubric.


During the course, you will receive two evaluations, the first at the end of the first 9 weeks, and the second at the end of the semester.

I am posting a blank evaluation so you can see the categories I will be observing.

Student Name:

4-Excellent 3-Above Average 2-Average 1-Needs Improvement


Reports on time
Respects cultural diversity
Arranges absences in advance
Discreet (as to being too talkative)
Demonstrates self-control

Human Relations

Demonstrates courtesy and friendliness
Deals tactfully with others
Communicates clearly
Cooperates with co-workers

Job Skills

Meets appropriate job requirements
Follows directions
Budgets time carefully
Completes tasks accurately
Requires minimal supervision
Organizes work neatly

Attitude toward Work

Looks for ways to improve
Demonstrates initiative
Is inquisitive about the job
Shows enthusiasm for work
Accepts constructive criticism
Feels even routine jobs are important

Comments: This is where I will include any additional information about your performance.

Attendance Policy

Classic City High School has a strict attendance policy, which I uphold with all of my students and classes.

If you are unfamiliar with the policy, please read the following.You are allowed a maximum of three absences for each mini-mester (9 weeks) of school. In the event that you miss four days in a mini-mester, you will be asked to appeal your absences in order to keep your seat in the class.

If any absence is unexcused, or if you are two weeks behind the pace of the class, you will be removed from the course.Each tardy (one to 15 minutes late) counts as 1/3 of an absence. If you are 15 minutes or more late from class, OR if you leave the class for a break in excess of 15 minutes, you will be counted absent.

Here are my guidelines for making up absences.

I realize sometimes you are unable to control certain absences from school. If you are responsible with your attendance, I can make some acceptions to the attendance guideline.I do allow you to make up an absence IF your absence fits the following criteria:

1. You or a family member you care for are/is ill.
2. You have transportation problems.
3. Extenuating circumstances.

If your absence fits one of these categories, you may make up the absence by doing the following:

1. You must call or email me prior to the start of class and explain your absence.
2. Agree to attend night school during the same school week OR work two additional lunch shifts. Wednesday and Thursday absences must be made up by the following Tuesday.

Additionally, if it is your day to work in Jittery Joe's, you must inform your partner of your absence and be sure someone will be available to cover your shift.

Administrative absences, hallway wandering and tardies are not eligible to be made up during night school.

Syllabus Info/Please Respond

Your syllabus is posted to the blog. Please reply to this message when you have read the entire syllabus. By responding, you are agreeing to the the terms of the class and your responsibilities as a student.

Lunch Breaks and Shifts

Hello everyone!

Each of you in Entrepreneurship I will need to occasionally work lunch (12-1) or a 15 minute shift (3-3:15 or 5:15-5:30).

However, because there are so many of you, this will happen infrequently. Remember, it is imperative that you check the break shift schedule behind the counter. Your attendance starts at the beginning of the break.

Missing any break will count as one of your absences. If you are unable to work it, please arrange to swap days with a coworker and let me know beforehand.

If you ask a friend to switch with you, you *must* work their next shift of the same time length.

Now for the good news...on days you are required to work a shift, that time will count as classroom time. In other words, if it is your day to work lunch, you can leave an hour early or come in an hour late. This must be done from your Jittery Joe's seat time only if you are taking more than one class with me.

Muchas Gracias!
Mrs. S.

Weekly Question One

Is working at Jittery Joe's your first experience with work? If not, what skills from other jobs are you implementing at the coffee shop? If it is, what skills are you learning that you will take with you to future jobs?

Weekly Question Two

We are already beginning to talk about customer service. Talk about a positive customer service experience you have had working at Jittery Joe's.

Weekly Question Three

Talk about tasks that can be done when the coffee shop is slow. What types of things can you be working on to still be a productive worker?

Weekly Question Four

Do you have classmates asking you for free drinks or pastries? You aren't alone! Some of your peers will ask you this frequently, causing you to make an ethical decision. How have you handled it in the past? How will you handle it in the future?

Weekly Question Five

Has there been a time where you made an error either with money or dealing with a customer? Explain what happened and how you corrected it. What will you do differently next time?

Weekly Question Six

Describe how you feel physically while working. What changes or stays the same as you work?

Weekly Question Seven

Have you had a bad customer experience? Without using names or identifying information, explain what happened and how you resolved the situation.

Weekly Question Eight

Now that you have legitimate work experience (if you did not already) do you feel differently about the way you spend money? Assume you earned minimum wage for working at Jittery Joe's instead of course credit. How does that change the value of money in your eyes?

Weekly Question Nine

What has been the most difficult part of your job at Jittery Joe's? What would you change if you could?

Weekly Question Ten

What is your greatest achievement in school so far this semester?

Weekly Question Eleven

What job do you ideally want? What skills will you need to hone in order to get that job? What educational background is required? How does this class help you to train for these things?

Weekly Question Twelve

As the semester ends, think back over the last few months. What experience has been most valuable to you?